Northern Nevada Medical Center Nationally Recognized for Straight ‘A’s by the Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade

For the eighth consecutive time, The Leapfrog Group, an independent national watchdog organization, awarded Northern Nevada Medical Center (NNMC) an “A” Hospital Safety Grade for achieving the highest national standards in patient safety.
The Leapfrog Group assigns an “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” or “F” grade to all general hospitals across the country. The grade uses over 30 measures of safety data including rates of preventable errors, injuries and infections, while also accounting for whether hospitals have systems in place to protect patients from harm. NNMC is one of only 23 hospitals in the United States to be awarded an “A” every grading cycle since 2012.
“Our staff remain the reason why we have maintained a high standard of safe patient care and we are proud of the work they do to ensure safety protocols are met,” said Katie Grimm, Chief Nursing Officer at Northern Nevada Medical Center. “We want patients to know they are being taken care of in a private, safe environment that is focused on their well-being.”
The Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade is the only hospital ratings program based exclusively on hospital prevention of medical errors and harms to patients. The grading system is peer-reviewed, fully transparent and free to the public. Grades are updated twice annually, in the fall and spring.
“NNMC has made a clear and consistent effort to protect patients from harm,” said Leah Binder, President and CEO of The Leapfrog Group. “Establishing and maintaining systems that optimize patient safety is especially critical during times of crisis. I am grateful to the leadership and workforce of NNMC for their unwavering dedication to protecting patients.”
Learn More About Our "A" Grade
To see more details on NNMC’s performance and to access hospital safety tips for patients, visit